About the association Baltic Blues e.V.

The statutory task of the association is the development and implementation of events of any kind on the subject of blues and related music culture. These include:

  • Organization of cross-border blues events for all generations 
  • Cooperation with cultural institutions in Germany, Europe and the USA 
  • Development of the project BluesBaltica within the international project Ars Baltica 
  • Implementation of a German Blues Challenge and Baltic Blues Challenge 
  • Implementation of the project Blues@School 
  • Realization of exhibitions and concerts 

Registered in the register of associations at Lübeck District Court, AZ: VR 2673 HL as a non-profit “Verein zur Förderung des Blues im baltischen Raum e.V.”.


Like any other association, we depend on the support of as many sponsors as possible. We would therefore like to ask all blues lovers to support us with a small contribution – already from 50,-€ – per year. Sponsorship is not associated with any “onerous” duties such as membership meetings, etc. Just fill out the registration form (PDF) and you will support us in our great projects, but especially in our youth project Blues@School!
With our newsletter we inform all interested parties about our activities. To receive the newsletter, simply send us an informal e-mail via our contact form.